STHM Strategic Plan One-Page Microsite

STHM began its Strategic Plan process in 2019. As it developed, we needed a microsite to house our pillars, initiatives, mission, vision, culture statement, values and more. This site’s purpose was to also keep our internal and external stakeholders abreast on our progress with meeting initiatives outlined in our Strategic Plan. The notable achievements section will come at a later time, but this will populate with all the accomplishments we’ve reached to remain in tandem with the Plan.

The design-thinking that went into this was that we wanted a one-page “brochure” interface. A jump navigation was created in development in an effort to reduce scrolling from section to section. Because these sections span users’ full viewport height, the fixed jump navigation creates a seamless user experience.

View the Live Microsite

Designed at Temple University’s School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management (STHM)
